Making life changes can be challenging. As creatures of habit, it can feel scary to try something new. But it can be more painful to stay stuck in a job or relationship that isn’t fulfilling.

Pain is a message from the soul - guiding you to make changes. If you continue to play the victim and blame the outside world, you become stuck and experience pain.

The transformational coaching program includes a series of 6 one hour sessions to support you in making positive changes in your life. The sessions include working on any limiting beliefs, trapped emotions, or conflicting values that are in the way of you moving forward.

Change starts within. As you work on yourself, you begin to make decisions and take actions that are more aligned with your Higher Self.

Limiting beliefs and habits are replaced with life-affirming ones.

Your vibration increases and you become a magnet for positive experiences that reflect the new you. The people around you will lift their game to meet your higher vibration. If not, they are replaced by those who are more aligned with your positive energy.

Drawing on your expanding inner resources, it becomes easier to reach your full potential and your outer world transforms like magic.


Transformational Coaching

Be free of the past and live your soul's journey. Fulfill your highest potential.


at a crossroad in life?

feeling stuck? 

holding onto the past?

allowing fear to control your life?


Transformational Coaching Program

Healing, hypnosis, past life healing north shore chatswood