Can Vibrations Heal Us?
/We live in a vibrational world. Einstein claimed that everything in life is made up of vibrations, while Tesla believed vibrations are the basis of our universe. Vibrations was the topic of The Beach Boys hit single “Good Vibrations” and the hippies of the sixties summed it up with their iconic saying “Its all about vibrations man”.
So what exactly are vibrations and can they heal us? Everything in our universe is in constant motion, vibrating at different frequencies -even if we think it’s stationary. Our bodies are made up of energy producing particles that vibrate at different frequencies.
Albert Einstein explained ”Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.“
Scientific evidence now shows how our electrical and magnetic energy stimulates the chemical processes in our bodies. Our vibrations generate electromagnetic energy waves that can cause changes in our cells -affecting the functions in our body.
The molecules inside your body are vibrating at a certain rate, now perceptible on a nano scale.
When we change our nano-vibrations , we create a ripple effect, which moves outwards -influencing our mental and physical health.
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. Nikola Tesla
So how can we improve our vibrations?
Our thoughts and beliefs can change our vibrations at a cellular or atomic level. Our molecules vibrate at different rates depending on our thoughts and beliefs. Anxious thoughts release stress hormones that stimulate your heart to speed up or slow down. Calming thoughts have the opposite effect.
“As you think you vibrate. As you vibrate, you act.” Abraham Hicks
Sound also impacts our moods. Notice how quickly the chirping of birds can lift the spirits, while the jarring sounds of a jackhammer can grate on the nerves. Certain music triggers happy thoughts while heavy metal music can trigger angry or aggressive feelings. Praise is always more uplifting than criticism, which dampens the spirit.
Emotions have a powerful effect on our vibrational frequency. American psychiatrist David R. Hawkins used kinesiology to measure the responses of the body’s emotional field of consciousness. In his book Power VS Force , Hawkins illustrates the hierarchy of emotions. Enlightenment, peace, joy and love were at the top of the vibrational scale.
Shame and guilt were at the bottom of the scale, followed by apathy, grief and fear.
Emotions with a high vibrational value expand us, while those in the lower range contract us.
High vibrations attract positive feelings and vice versa. It’s important to keep our vibrations high because when we operate at higher vibrational levels, it becomes easier to manifest our goals.
In contrast, living with shame, guilt and fear, immobilises us. We feel stuck or unable to move forward in life.
If our experiences are a direct reflection of our thoughts, and if high vibrations attract positive feelings, then we can create the life we want. So what are we waiting for? How do we get started?
Grounding in nature is an easy way to lift your vibration. You can ground yourself walking barefoot outdoors or swimming in an ocean or lake. If you suffer from anxiety or depression, one hour of grounding can significantly lift your mood. Grounding can help you sleep, lower your blood pressure, lower chronic fatigue and reduce pain.
Exercise and movement also helps to lift your vibration. Even five minutes of dancing to your favourite music or walking can do wonders to shift your mood.
Hypnosis can help you shift unhelpful beliefs and thoughts that are running your life unconsciously. Sometimes we can let those thoughts overcome us, even though we know better. Many of these beliefs were planted there in childhood. Even if we think we don’t believe them, we could still be sabotaging our goals on a subconscious level.
Other vibrational boosters are meditation, breath-work, an alkaline diet, Reiki, yoga, sound baths, massages, gratitude, generosity, and positive human connections.
Working on our vibrations can be the most profound way to heal ourselves and our planet.
Eva is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, PSYCH-K Facilitator and Reiki Master. If you would like to find out more about how hypnosis can help you shift your vibrations, contact Eva at