Alkalise Your Body
/Alkalise your body to boost your immunity
Are you looking for an effective way to protect your body against nasty bacterial and viral infections?
Viruses and bacteria thrive in an acidic environment. If your body is in an acidic state, you are at greater risk of getting sick.
Alkalising your body is an effective way to reduce your risk and safeguard your health.
When your body’s natural pH balance is slightly alkaline, a pH of 7 or above, you feel healthy and energised. You not only decrease your chances of getting sick, but it will lessen the severity of your symptoms, if you should fall ill.
“An alkaline body can absorb up to 20 times more oxygen than an acidic body” according to Dr Otto Warburg, a Nobel Prize Winner for his work on respiratory enzymes and cancer.
Your body’s PH will tell you if your body’s fluids are more alkaline or acidic. You can measure your body’s pH balance by testing your saliva with pH paper, which you can get from a health food shop.
Acidity in the body also leads to weight gain, teeth and gum problems, pain and inflammation issues. So you will be better off in the long run if your body is more alkaline.
These tips should help transform your body quickly from an acid to alkaline state.
1. Diet
Your diet should consist of 80 per cent alkaline forming foods and 20 per cent acidic forming foods.
Some of the best alkaline foods are fruits, vegetables, herbs, herbal teas, seeds, green juices and lemons. Spirulina, chlorella, apple cider vinegar and aloe-vera juice are alkaline super-foods that can boost your levels quickly.
Reduce your animal proteins, wheat, dairy and refined and processed sugars, which are acidifying. Alcohol, coffee, tea and tobacco are also acidic in nature.
When you wake up, make your first drink a lemon tea. Drink fresh cold pressed vegetable juices, pure spring water and herbal teas to keep you alkalised throughout the day.
2. Breathing
Breathing has an effect on your body’s pH balance. Deep breathing is more alkalising for your body. When you breathe shallowly, carbon dioxide is trapped in your blood, which creates a more highly acidic system.
Stress creates a more acidic body. When you are under stress, you produce cortisol hormones, which create toxins in your blood, making you more acidic. Taking deep breaths puts oxygen into your system, flushes out carbon dioxide and reduces the acid levels in your body.
Try deep breathing for five minutes a day to alkalise your body . When you inhale, your tummy inflates and when you exhale, the opposite happens. Start with a deep inhale of 4 seconds, hold for four seconds and exhale for 6 seconds..
3. Positive thoughts
Keep your emotions calm and relaxed by maintaining a positive mindset. Smiling and hugging can also help induce a more positive, relaxed state.
4. Relaxation
Relaxing activities like yoga, meditation or exercise help reduce the effects of stress on your body and create a more alkaline environment in your system.
If you would like to know more about how you can maintain a positive mindset with hypnosis or PSYCH-K, book a free 20 minute discovery call with Eva at Or Click here