Conscious Living

Conscious living can help you maintain high vibrational feelings to create the life you want.

Are you living consciously or unconsciously? Conscious living is about taking back control over your life and maintaining high vibrational feelings, no matter what is happening around you.

When you are living unconsciously, you are easily affected by what is happening in the outside world. If something bad happens, you feel angry or sad. 

Your moods can switch instantly, depending on your unconscious thoughts, many of which you are unaware of.  You get distracted easily or have a tendency to get caught up in other people’s dramas.

Freedom is when you can detach from the outside world and generate the thoughts you want. Power comes from knowing that you can create high vibrational thoughts - no matter what is happening around you. How do you do that? 

These six tips will help you cultivate the tools you need to bounce back quickly into a high vibrational state.

1. Become a master of your emotions. When negative thoughts are running your unconscious mind, you feel low in energy - without knowing why. Become aware of your negative beliefs and replace them with positive ones. Repeat positive affirmations, do self hypnosis, meditate, focus on self love. Do whatever it is that brings you joy and lifts your mood.

2. Develop the art of patience and compassion -with yourself and those you interact with. Realise that when someone is unkind to you, it has nothing to do with you. They are projecting their past wounds onto you. Speak up for yourself and set up strong boundaries. Surround yourself with people who have your back. 

3. Focus on solutions not the problem. Complaining brings your vibration down. It is disempowering and puts you in the victim role. Hold a higher vision. Know that everything is working in divine timing for the highest good of all. When you learn to become resilient, you bounce back quickly. 

4. Embrace change. You may have had a difficult childhood and are afraid to change. Tell yourself repeatedly that you are safe. Trust God and your guides to lead you to the best solution. 

5. Work on your life purpose. We all came here for a purpose. Even if you don’t know what it is, keep doing what brings you joy and it will reveal itself to you in divine timing.

6. Establish daily practices. Develop the skill of self –discipline. Without discipline, you become easily distracted and overwhelmed. Your health suffers and clutter builds up. Self-discipline can help you achieve more. The simple act of getting up earlier and having a daily ritual can make a powerful difference in your life. 

Conscious living is an essential life skill that can be mastered by anyone. 

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